7 Reasons Why You Should Change Your Lock When Moving To A New Place
December 1, 20196 Important Tips On Avoiding Locksmith Scams
December 1, 2019Useful Tips On What To Do When You Lose Your Car Or House Keys
Losing car and house keys is quite common and it is frustrating especially at the end of the day. The bunch of keys may have been misplaced, fallen out of the pocket or purse or even been stolen by an unscrupulous person. If they do fall into the hands of someone who has nothing better to do than search for your home and car, you could find yourself exposed to crime. You will also feel insecure even if you have a spare key. It is important to take some necessary steps to ensure the security of your assets as well the people you love. Consider using these helpful tips on what you can do when you lose your house or car keys.
Search for Your Keys
It is natural to panic when you realize that you do not have access to your car or home. It is imperative that you take some time to look for them before calling a locksmith. Making major or minor lock changes has financial implications and it is not convenient. Look for them in obvious places such as in the pockets, the compartments of the purse and the drawers in the office desk. Most of the times, they are hidden in plain sight especially in the places one stores items when on autopilot. You can also retrace the steps from when you last used the keys and determine where you could have left them. If your search does not bear fruit, it is time to call a qualified locksmith to offer you professional assistance.
Lockout Emergency Services
There are many locksmith companies in Singapore that offer lockout services for automobiles and residential property. Make certain that they are reliable and credible before contacting such a company because you will share your security problems with them. Emergency locksmith will help you gain access to your car and home through the use of a master key, lock picking or advanced technology depending on your needs. The service is quite fast and it will not cause any damage to the doors or the windows. This will allow you to gain access to your house before you can have the necessary changes made to enhance your security.
Rekeying and New Car Keys
If you have a quality lock, it is unnecessary to change the locks to advance the security especially when you have lost your house keys. Rekeying is cheaper and will give you the safety you require even if the person in possession of your keys tries them. The process basically involves changing the current lock such that only a different key may operate it. It involved making alterations in the wafer configuration of the lock or changing the tumbler. When the car keys are lost, it is inconvenient and it is expensive to get a replacement if you do not have a spare key. For enhanced security, you may have to buy a new set and have the car re-alarmed to respond to the programming and coding of only the new keys.
System Upgrade
When you lose your house keys, take the opportunity to upgrade your security system. This means that you will have a complete replacement of your outdated lock, making it impossible for anyone else to gain access. There are new technological tools that can be installed to ensure that you do not fall victim of poor security again. Though this is more expensive than rekeying, it is a worthy measure that will serve you for a prolonged duration. Consider adding an alarm option for your door so that you will get an alert in case of an attempted break-in.
Additional Measures and Tips
Even with the changes made to the lock, consider asking your professional locksmith in Singapore for additional measures. They do not have to biometric or high-level safety technology. A deadbolt or a chain at the door may help you feel more secure especially if you are positive that the keys were stolen. Ensure that your car is in a secure location and alert your insurance consultant of your predicament. When hiring a locksmith, inquire about their employees and make certain that they have been pre-screened to avoid dealing with unsavoury characters. Do not engage any locksmith blindly after losing your car keys or the house keys. Evaluate all your options calmly and carry out a quick search for a credible and recommended locksmith company.