Types Of Locksmith Services Provided By The Professional Service Providers
December 1, 2019Everything You Need To Know About Professional Locksmith Services
December 1, 2019How To Become A Locksmith
People often get locked out of their homes or offices or even cars in the city of Singapore. Some of the common reasons for this maybe damaged keyholes, lost keys, etc. Due to this, you can see so many dedicated locksmiths Singapore who provide 24 hours of service. Locksmiths are experts who are given adequate training on making keys, opening complicated locks, and installing lock systems. They will help you out if you want a new key or if you locked your car from inside accidentally. In the city of Singapore, you need to get a valid license if you aspire to become a locksmith. This is not only good for the state, but also helps you to become a solid professional in the industry. If you have a passion to perform practical tasks, then Locksmithing is the right career for you.
Here follows certain tips that help you become an expert in Locksmithing tasks:
Step number 1: Get adequate training
The first step to become an expert locksmith in Singapore is to complete a Locksmithing course. And this should be done from a recognised technical college or institute. Most of the institutions provide you 2 month Locksmithing programs and along with it, they offer training in various fields such as key recognition, lock system, electronic security system, and home or business security. Also, you can do an apprenticeship with skilled locksmiths and receive training in various techniques. In Singapore, the duration of apprenticeship extends to about four to five years.
Step number 2: Acquiring essential qualities
Don’t apply for the license without acquiring skills such as basic computer skills, problem solving skills, and proper blueprint reading skills. These are the skills that help you to become a proficient locksmith. In addition to these skills, you should also be able to create plans, have an interest in technical drawings, and be able to rectify electric or digital lock systems. Some of the major tools used by Locksmithing experts include plug spinners, drill jigs, and broken key extractors. For running an efficient Locksmithing business, you need to have strong practical skills which will be gradually cultivated in every aspiring locksmiths.
Apart from these skills, you may also need physical fitness to work in narrow spaces or stages, so that you will be able to withstand every adverse situation easily. It will be better for you, if you have sufficient understanding of the National Fire Understanding Association (NFUA) safety code, as you will have an idea about the prohibited locks of exit doors, stairwell doors, and other kind of doors. When you fulfil these two steps, you are qualified to apply for the license.
Step number 3: Seek a veteran locksmith to help you
It is a good idea to seek an experienced locksmith to fulfil your Locksmithing career and get a valid license. Don’t rely on a single expert, you can seek the help of multiple Locksmithing experts. They may assist once you are capable of getting the license. Always remember that your apprenticeship may never go in vain, it helps you.
Step number 4: Approach a Locksmithing Licensing Office
Just approach a nearby Locksmithing License Office, so that you may get an overall idea about the requirements of obtaining a valid license in Singapore. The usual procedure for applying license are filling out the application form, have finger printed, settle fee procedures, and hand over documentation like photo identification. In addition to this, you may also undergo a criminal background check to find whether you have ever been involved in criminal cases within or outside Singapore. If at all they have a mild suspicion about your earlier activities, you may be denied of license by the authority. Though you have no exams in getting license, you may need an assurance from your employer.
Step number 5: Renew your license yearly
Normally, a Locksmithing license is valid for a twelve month period from the issued date in Singapore. Hence, it is ideal for you, if you renew it after completing twelve month period. But renewal date is different for different places in Singapore. So, it will be good if you know the licensing procedures in different places of Singapore. If you are planning to run your own Locksmithing business, then you need a different license. Therefore, you should inform the relevant licensing office about the kind of operation you are planning for. If you want to save money, doing an apprentice or co-owning a business will be a perfect idea.
Step number 6: Grab and Utilize the splendid opportunity open for you
If you have a valid license in your hand, it is good to go to the Locksmithing job market. You will be able to find a lot of opportunities in Locksmithing firms, firms that deal with supply or trade locks and also in the companies that specialise in offering business or residence security.
Obviously, you can start thinking of running your own Locksmithing firm, once you gain plenty of experience in the field and possess the required business perspective. Otherwise, you can think of pursuing an additional course in forensic Locksmithing. This will not only grant you an opportunity to work as a forensic locksmith, but also gives you a chance to interact with experts in law enforcement agencies.
Indeed, a Locksmithing is a promising and rewarding career, which refashions your boring life into a successful one. When it comes to this career, it is a 24/7 service and hence you should have a mentality to provide timely service without much dismay. Never waste your career by waiting for a huge opportunity. All that matters for you is experience. People never risk their property and owes you an opportunity to build your career. Hence, doing an apprenticeship with an experienced locksmith can be a great idea to go with. The above mentioned tips can guide you in fulfilling your locksmith career dream. And it will be helpful for your career, if you follow the above tips without fail, you can have a good Locksmithing career in the future.